How to avoid sleep training your baby.

Is sleep training avoidable if you want your baby to sleep well?

My answer, ABSOLUTELY 🙌

Now, technically any steps we put in place to enable our children to sleep well could be classed as ‘sleep training’, but by putting great sleep foundations in place from the start, you can avoid ever getting to breaking point and having to do what is called ‘Corrective sleep training’, Basically solving and fixing a problem.

This is what I did with my daughter Elsie (now 9months), and WOW did it make a difference to our sleep journey second time around. It meant we were getting long stretches of sleep from around 8 weeks old, and she was also able to take long restorative daytime naps from a similar age.

How did I avoid sleep training? 💫

⭐️ Optimised her sleep space

⭐️ Got her used to being in her crib and sleeping in it

⭐️ Started to form a flexible daytime routine, following Elsie’s appropriate awake windows (you can start this from whenever you feel ready)

⭐️ I was aware of the amount of day sleep she needed to complement her night sleep

⭐️ I gently gave her the opportunity to practice self-settling, always with my love and support when needed, sometimes she managed it, sometimes she didn’t, but as with any new skill our babies are trying to master, they need to be given the space to practice.

When should you start? 👶

There is no time when you ‘should’ start and this is instead based on when you WANT to start and feel ready. However, your sleep journey can start as early as pregnancy, and by gaining all the information and knowledge you need at this early stage, you're more likely to get off to a good start, straight from the off.

and if you're in the fourth trimester already, this is the perfect time to begin introducing these gentle tips and ensure sleep deprivation does not become your long-term norm.

So, if you want to nail sleep from the start, I’ve got you ✨️

All of The Snooze Nurse consultations are suitable from pregnancy and the 0-6 Month plan lays out the exact steps I took with Elsie to enable her to take the sleep we all needed. Seeking support early on will take the frantic googling and guess work out of your baby's sleep, because lets face it there’s not much brain capacity left during the fourth trimester (and beyond) 🤯.

What does a consultation with the Snooze Nurse look like?

A 1 hour consultation
💤An age appropriate sleep plan
💤A sleep needs table- to help you fully understand your baby’s sleep needs, including daytime naps and overall daytime sleep, awake windows, and the amount of night sleep and feeds you can expect for each age, from 0-4 years.
💤Bespoke advice for your individual sleep needs, all emailed to you following the consultation
💤Bespoke daytime routine for your child
💤A 3 day sleep diary- which I will then analyse to find the route cause of your baby's disturbed sleep and form a plan forward.
💤Follow up support (either 1 follow up email or 1 week of WhatsApp support, to troubleshoot as you go).

Price: £150-£250, depending on the level of support you need❤.

What does a baby sleep plan consists of?

💤An age appropriate sleep plan
💤A sleep needs table- to help you fully understand your baby’s sleep needs, including daytime naps and overall daytime sleep, awake windows, and the amount of night sleep and feeds you can expect for each age, from 0-4 years.
💤Tips to help keep sleep on track if any future regressions should occur, including how to handle nap transitions, those pesky teeth and illness.
💤Instant download, self-led & yours for life, meaning you can come back to it time and time again.

All plans are- £45 ❤.

Enabling your baby to sleep well from the start can completely TRANSFORM the first year postpartum, and can make the most intense period after having a baby much more manageable and enjoyable 🥰

After all, sleep is EVERYTHING!
So if you want to nail sleep form the start then take a look at our support packages and let’s get going 🥳, I can’t wait to support as many of you as possible in your journey towards better sleep 😴.

Lots of Love

Jade x 


Why is routine important for your baby’s sleep?