Finding the right baby sleep consultant for you.

There are SO many sleep consultants out there who will all have their own approach to sleep, and so it can be difficult for parents to decide who to ask for support. 🤔

But finding the right sleep consultant for YOU, who aligns with your values as a parent ensures you feel happy & confident with the plan of action, meaning you are more likely to commit to the process-which for me is the key to success 🔑, and success looks different for every parent & their individual family situation. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Some are looking for that 11-12 hour sleep through, some to reduce the amount of night feeds, some to crack those early wakes and get an extra hour in bed, and for others it’s to lengthen daytime naps, or to transition from co-sleeping to cot sleeping. 🤱

For some parents who’s baby will only sleep on them or close to them with hourly wakes overnight and no breaks in the day, then just getting their baby to sleep in their cot independently regardless if naps are still short or they still have a few night wakes is a HUGE win for them. After all sleep is a marathon not a sprint. 🏃‍♀️

My point being is what works looks different for each family, but as long as sleep is working for YOU then don’t feel pressured to make unnecessary changes- don’t fix what ain’t broke and all that.

Here at The Snooze Nurse my approach is straight talking and no-nonsense (how I approach life really 😂), but ALWAYS with yours and your child’s best interests at the centre of it all ❤️, I know that one size doesn’t fit all and that all babies are different, which is why I will always tweak things along the way if a certain approach doesn’t seem to be suiting your baby.

My approach is designed to ensure that both you and your child’s sleep journeys are filled with the comfort, love and support needed throughout. I do not guarantee no tears as we make changes, but I do guarentee if there are tears your baby will always be supported with your love and guidance to teach them this crucial life skill. 🤍

I completely understand the importance of a well-rested family to enable you to enjoy this intensely crazy journey 🤪.
So if I sound like your kinda gal 💁‍♀️, then book a FREE 15minute intro call and lets chat about how I can support your family to get the sleep you all need.

Or check out my “life changing” sleep plans and let’s get going 💥

Lots of Love

Jade x 


Navigating baby sleep and illness.


Why is routine important for your baby’s sleep?